PRTip: Always Be Authentic

It’s no secret – the number of fans you accumulate is often the result of your “likeability factor”.


What does that mean? 


Well…why someone likes you, can range from admiration and respect, to feeling comradery or empathy, to a million other reasons. And, a lot of the time there isn’t one single reason, but a combination that makes a person simply “like” you.


This is why it’s important that you inject some of your personality into your public persona — yes, you have a public persona. And, not only do your fans want to find out more about what you’re doing, but they also want to learn about who you are.


Whether you like it or not, in this modern age of social media I believe everyone has an identity that is in the public eye. Even if you’re not active on social media…that alone delivers a public message to anyone looking to connect with you.


This is why I think it’s important to spend a little time steering your public persona in a positive and career building direction.


A few ways to do that are:

Always have an interesting story to tell; humor usually works well or sharing a lesson you’ve learned.

Discuss what excites you; talk about what you love doing when you’re not working and let your freak flag fly.

Don’t shy away from dealing with your flaws and mistakes; these are what make you unique as long as you recognize and handle them thoughtfully.


Of course, it’s not necessary for you to reveal your deepest darkest secrets. Private matters should probably stay private. There’s a difference between showcasing who you are and sharing way too much. Sometimes a little restraint is smart – and will keep you from being misunderstood.


Remember, fans are looking for ways to connect with you as a person. Not only do they want to hear about all the amazing stories from behind the scenes…but they’re also looking to identify with you on a human level.


My biggest tip — be your authentic self. This is the easiest way to build a fanbase that wants to hang out with you for many years to come.




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