Spotlight Writing + Bio’s

Spotlight YOU (your biography): contact for pricing

Who needs a biography? YOU! When a reporter considers a story idea, prepares for an interview or pens an actual article, they always request a biography to gain a better insight of their subject. A great bio is always a benefit to include when putting together your agent mailings or personal websites. This is a look at the past, present and future of your career, so make it a professional one.

  • Spotlight will work with you gathering pertinent information in order to write an original, savvy, custom biography to fit your needs.


Spotlight Written Release (no distribution): $125

Whether you call it a press release, news release, media release or personal statement… they all have the same purpose: to attract attention. And, they’re not just for gaining media attention either. Releases can be created specifically for use in press kits, agent mailings, personal websites, or anytime you want to tell the world about you and your projects.

  • Spotlight will work with you to create a specific angle and write an original, properly formatted release highlighting your latest endeavors.