2 Factors for Answering “What’s New?” Without Fear

Whats New TWT



Whether you’re at a networking event, a family gathering, an audition or you simply run into an old friend while shopping…at some point you’re going to be asked:


What’s new?


Of course, it might not be phrased exactly like that. It might sound something like:


What have you been up to lately?
How’s it going?
What’s been keeping you busy these days?


When this happens, some of you will dive into an answer with enthusiasm, grateful for the opportunity to catch-up.


However, many of you will panic. You know the feeling, the one where your body literally starts to shut down as your eyes go wide, your stomach drops and you break out into a cold sweat because you’re not exactly sure what to say.


Well, it’s time to stop fearing the “What’s new?” question and start understanding how to embrace it.


Here’s two key factors that can make all the difference:

#1 It’s important to realize that this is NOT a trick question.


Most of the time, the person asking you is either genuinely interested in what you’ve been doing lately or they just don’t know what else to say. Their inquiry is not meant as a “gotcha” exchange to grill you endlessly until you feel lousy about yourself. But, it’s simply a conversation starter — literally. They probably aren’t sure what specifically to ask you about, so they’re tossing out a general “What’s new?”


Once you embrace this notion, it allows your mind to ease up and frees you to steer the direction of the conversation however you want.


Of course, there is always one person who is deliberating trying to pull you down in an attempt to make themselves feel better. Just tell them that you’re working on a top-secret project, so you can’t say anything – and then walk away. Don’t feed their negativity. Instead, keep your mind and your sharing headed in a positive direction.


This leads to…


#2 Always have something to share that excites you.


It’s a pretty safe bet that most of the time you will not be winning Oscars, starring in a hit TV show, directing Meryl Streep, or working on some other mind-blowing project. So, you need to learn to work with where you’re at. And, since you’re driving the “What’s new?” conversation with your answer, I suggest leading it into a subject related to your career that makes you feel good.


The easiest way to do that is to find a topic that excites you. This could be a special skills class you’re taking, the post-production team you’re working with, a renowned coach you’re studying under, a technical ability you’ve added to your repertoire, the first draft of your screenplay, a staged reading you recently did, or some other stepping-stone in your career.


While these might not be the finish line results that you hope to talk about one day, they showcase the concrete steps you’re taking to get you there. They still highlight you as actively participating in the industry – which is something that not everyone has the chance to be part of. Don’t forget, the entertainment biz is exciting to the average person. So, no matter what specific details you share with them, remember that excitement can be contagious. If you’re genuinely excited then chances are, they will be excited for you. Whew…that’s a lot of excitement!



Overall, the way you approach the “What’s new?” question will impact your answer and the perception others will have about it. I believe it’s all in how you serve it up. Don’t downplay your hard work just because you haven’t reached your career goals yet. Instead, lift yourself up by celebrating (and sharing) where you are right now.




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