#PRTips4Actors: Always Snap BTS Photos — ALWAYS!
![#PRTips4Actors - BTS (1)](http://spotlightprcompany.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/PRTips4Actors-BTS-1-1.png)
Always Snap BTS (Behind-the-Scenes) Photos — ALWAYS!
Fans love to get an inside glimpse into the world of entertainment. They’re fascinated by what goes on behind the scenes and nothing shares that better than a photo.
This is why a simple snapshot of you hanging out on the set can go a long way at literally showing you are part of that world. This adds a layer of career credibility while satisfying an audience’s hunger to learn more about that project.
Of course, sometimes you have to be very careful of what and when you can share these images. It’s imperative that you adhere to any NDA (non-disclosure agreement) set by the production team — BUT – that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still snap some pics.
Most NDA’s are related to releasing details before the premiere of the project. And, this is totally understandable…no one is trying to reveal any secrets, right?
However, these BTS images can become a great way to visually share your successes after the project releases. How? Well, not all stories are published prior to the release, so these special photos can be perfect for post-premiere articles. And, for those stories already out there…these extra images give Reporters a possibility for a follow-up, update or bonus post to your story…especially if you offer them up ‘exclusively’.
Of course, I know you’re planning to share these images on all your social media platforms, too…right?! Try posting some the days after it originally premieres. Depending how many you snap, you might also hold some for future posts, too. A few opportunities might be: after your film leaves theaters and heads online; when your short film makes its third or fourth festival screening; when your TV episode has a rerun airing; or during the final week of your web series. All of these give you another chance to share fresh photos and continue to attract more fans.
Overall, just remember to grab a few BTS photos on your next gig…even if you can’t share them until after the project releases.
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