#PRTips4Actors: Start Contacting the Press Early
Start contacting the press early!
Many outlets and Reporters like to plan their feature stories in advance. They want to make sure they have time to watch, read, and research the project or person they’re covering.
However, not every outlet is the same…and different types of media have different deadlines.
Those known as ‘long-lead’ outlets, which include the beautiful glossy printed magazines, need 3-5 months advance notice for feature stories – yes, I said MONTHS! Of course, some outlets can turn around a story within minutes, which is the case for breaking news. But most stories, including entertainment, tend to land somewhere in the middle.
Considering the majority of coverage these days in created for online outlets, starting about 4 weeks before the premiere of your project is a safe timeline for standard entertainment stories.
If you’re a hired actor on a project, especially TV, then you don’t always get advance notice. Make it a point to keep in touch with the production team, asking periodically when your episode will air. You can always have a press release written and ready to go, so all you’ll need to do simply drop in the air date as soon as you get confirmation.
Film projects tend to schedule their release dates with more advance. This makes it easier to get a head start. However, sometimes it’s too far in advance for a story to be published, but you can still alert the press with a ‘heads-up’ about a future story. It’s better to get it on their radar…than wait too late.
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