3 Profile-Raising Rules with BIG Career Impact

3 Profile-Raising Rules

If you’re an Actor…

Then, you probably want more casting directors, producers, directors, studios and other industry insiders to know who you are — so you can get more auditions…book more roles…gain more fans…and ultimately work on projects you love.

If you’re a Creator…

Then, you probably want more studio heads, network exec’s, distribution companies and other decision-makers to know your work — so you can get more meetings…create more projects…gain more fans…and ultimately work on projects you love.

And, if you’re both…then everything goes double.

Many of you have probably already realized that you won’t achieve what you want by sitting back, waiting for the phone to ring and relying on luck to make it happen. If you want people to know who you are – then you’ve got to work for it.

I believe a key factor in pushing your career forward is making sure you’re building buzz that can’t (and won’t) be ignored by industry insiders. But, one of the biggest issues that I hear from Actors and Creators over and over again is that you simply don’t know where to start when it comes to raising your profile.

To help you focus on creating career momentum that can’t be denied, here’s 3 profile-raising rules with big career impact:

Don’t Miss A Single Opportunity

If you do nothing, you can expect nothing. Instead, treat every fresh booking or new project as an opportunity for you to promote your talents. You spend a lot of time and effort to land a gig, so don’t sell yourself short by missing out on an easy way to look like a star. Press articles can add an instant boost of credibility that can have a long-lasting impact on your career.

True story: I get at least one call every week from someone who wants to grab press attention for a project that has already premiered or aired. That’s when I have to explain to them that it’s probably too late to secure any coverage because the press likes to cover projects as they happen…not way after. So, don’t wait too late to get the ball rolling.

Amplify Your Message

Use every single piece of press as a separate occasion for you to spread the word about your talents. Since each press article, interview, blurb, photo or mention is coming from a third party source (not you), they deliver attention without making you feel like you’re bragging. If you get several pieces of press for a single project – share each one. Don’t worry, you won’t wear-out your fans; instead you’ll feed the frenzy. So, make sure to spread all this good news with everyone.

True story: Sometimes press begets even more press. I recently had a Reporter reach out to me wanting to conduct an interview with a Creator because they had seen a Tweeted article about that project from another publication. Yep, the first press article we secured…helped to land them another one – woohoo!

Go Beyond Social

This might shock you, but don’t expect that everyone is following you on social media, especially industry insiders. That’s why it’s important that you think outside the box and share your wins beyond social media. Try sending your press clipping to individuals or companies you’re targeting via emails, newsletters, EPK’s and yes…even hard copy sent by traditional mail. Sometimes it’s the unexpected that grabs their attention.

True story: I created an EPK (electronic press kit) for a client when they were recently hunting for new representation. My client sent it out to a several people and was surprised when their “dream Agent” called back. The Agent said they weren’t taking on any new clients, but wanted to reach out because it was clear they were a professional. The Agent mentioned they were impressed by their package (EPK) and said to keep them updated moving forward. So, although they didn’t get this Agent to rep them right now…it’s still a huge win because this business is all about creating relationships, right?!

Of course, these aren’t the only things you can do to raise your profile…but they are an effective way to start.



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