3 Ways PR Increases Your Industry Presence

One of the first questions I ask any Actor or Filmmaker when they call me is: What is your goal? And ALL of them have the same answer: MORE! More opportunities, more jobs, more work, more roles, more funding, more…more…more.


It’s a good goal and one that many of you can achieve. Of course, there’s no single way to get more. But, increasing awareness about your talents within in the industry can be a key factor to reaching that goal.


And, it makes sense…the more industry insiders know who you are and what you can do – the more they’ll remember you when the time is right. This coincides with that old marketing “Rule of 7” — that it takes an average of 7 interactions with a brand (you) before a purchase (or hire) will take place. I think it’s up to 9 interactions now and on average it takes 27 attempts to reach someone 9 times.


But, not all attempts are equal! Emailing an Industry Insider a link to a press article that features an interview with you talking all about your latest project is not the same as emailing them a desperate plea to watch your project.


And, this is why utilizing PR in your career has the potential to increase your industry presence in a way that you can’t create without it.


So, what are you waiting for?
Still not sure about why you need PR?


Here’s 3 Ways PR Increases Your Industry Presence:

PR Adds Credibility


An article adds a layer of integrity and authority that is hard to find anyplace else. It’s written by a third-party (a Reporter), who doesn’t know you and isn’t being paid by the production team to cover the story (that would be an advertisement).


Think about it this way…when you see an article about an Actor or Filmmaker you don’t know, typically you want to learn more about that person.


Why is that? It’s because the article immediately gives off the impression that this is someone at a level in their career who warrants my attention. It’s like a shot of instant influence. Even before I click on the link to read it, I already have the feeling that this person is talented. I mean, they must be someone rising in the industry considering a Reporter took the time to write about them, right? And, that’s why I’m interested and I click on the link to find out more. Voila – instant credibility.


PR Builds Industry Confidence


It’s often said that Producers want to work with people they like and trust. So, what’s a smart way to make a Producer like you? Give their project some FREE promotion.

Every time you land press coverage, the Reporter always asks you about your current project and often what you’re working on next. So, in addition to building buzz for your career, you’re helping those projects grab some attention, too.


Of course, all the basic rules still apply – like don’t violate your non-disclosure agreement. But, if you’re smart about your press strategy…Insiders will remember that you understand how the industry works and are willing to do whatever you can to help push projects to the public without adding any costs to their budgets.


It also showcases that you have some experience with Reporters, doing interviews, being a guest on a podcast and the like. This makes them more willing to utilize you for additional press outreach because they don’t have to spend extra time or money to prepare you for talking to the press. You’ve already proven you can handle it – they’re confident.


PR Creates a Promotional Tool


Every Artist must learn how to toot their own horn. Smart Artists share their successes beyond their friends and family on social media, they share them with Industry Insiders. I’m talking about Casting Directors, Reps, Studios and Networks, Production Teams and more. But, I hear all the time that many of you often feel awkward about it, like you’re bragging.


That’s where I suggest instead of sending the usual postcard, pitch email or DM which can sometimes seem amateur – try sending your latest press article, interview or blurb. Plus, they might actually learn something about you that sticks in their brain…and isn’t that the whole purpose of reaching out…to stand out (in a good way)?!


Here’s some ideas for sharing: give the link to your Reps for pitching with, email a podcast interview to your target list, compile your articles into a personal EPK (electronic press kit), Tweet an article link to a Producer you’re following and more. Not only do you catch their eye, but it feels “next level” – now that’s a valuable tool.



So, now let me as you: What is your goal?


If it’s MORE…then I believe it’s time you start putting PR to work. Press coverage offers a fresh, fun and compelling way to share your successes and showcase you as a working professional in the business. And, there are ways to incorporate PR into your career no matter what level you’re at, so stop waiting.




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