PR Term to Know: LEAD TIME

Lead Time: What is it? And, why is it important to your PR strategy?


First, let’s define it:

‘Lead Time’ is the amount of time needed by reporters and producers to cover a specific story.


Now, let me explain why you should care about it:

The amount of lead time you have can directly affect your press campaign’s outcome.


Some outlets require a longer lead time. For example, all those glossy magazines determine their stories 3-5 months in advance.


While others, like online breaking news sites, require almost no lead time and can turn around a story within minutes.


When it comes to getting your story published by an online entertainment outlet, the lead time required lands somewhere in the middle. That’s why I suggest starting your press outreach about 2-4 weeks before your project will premiere/air. This gives you (or your publicist) enough time to execute a solid online press campaign, including writing and sending a press release, making pitch calls and following-up to determine a reporter’s interest. Then, if they say “Yes”…it allows the Reporter time to actually do the work, including gathering further details, conducting an interview and writing a fabulous feature story for publishing.


Now, I realize that sometimes you don’t always get notified way in advance of when your upcoming TV appearance will be. And, that some film festivals are really slow to announce if you’re project has been accepted. In these cases, I truly believe it’s always better to try for press coverage — rather than choosing to do nothing. There are some press outlets that could still have interest in publishing your story shortly after your project airs/screens.


Overall, keep a close eye on the calendar and don’t waste even a second when it comes to ‘Lead Time’.




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